Welcome To NotixMe!
It's Nice To Meet You


What is this site about


If you are a professional and need to save some files online? And it is easy for you just to copy/paste the content? Then NotixMe is created right for you!

Your feedback is important to us!


If you like writing some stories? Just for hobby? You want to have access to them from anywhere? Use NotixMe then!

Your feedback is important to us!

Share/Move Notes

You need to create sticky notes? Or you have 10000 devices and you want to save the same notes in all of them? NotixMe is right for you!

Your feedback is important to us!


What NotixMe was like in the years

  • 2016 March

    The Idea(Demo Version)

    Just came out with the idea to develop something great

  • January 2017

    Test it out (Version 0.4 current!)

    Put it on live server and started testing and upgrading it.

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    Of Our